NOV 12, 2019
Being Kind Makes The World Go Around
So Wednesday 13th November is world kindness day, a perfect opportunity to go above and beyond your normal loveliness to do something extra kind, without expecting anything in return.
The smallest gesture can really make someone’s day so why not just make kindness the norm, not the exception. Push yourself out of your comfort zone once a week, then move to twice a week etc until it becomes part of your routine. Stop and help that elderly person across the road, offer to help out with a charity once a week in the evening, compliment someone you work with or do someone’s chores so that they can have a rest instead.
Here’s some inspiration for you to help you on your way. Let’s all join together and spread some joy.
Surprise one person a month with a treat
Sign up to the organ donation register
Compliment someone
Bring in treats for your colleagues
Leave money in the parking meter for the next person
Buy a coffee for the person in the queue behind you
Help an elderly neighbour with their bins and any other jobs
Send thank you / update cards to people– who doesn’t love to receive a card in the post now
Take the time to get to know your colleagues and neighbours
Take time for you too when you feel stressed – go for a short walk
Environmental and Nature
Learn how to compost
Collect rainwater to water your plants with
Recycle the clothes you no longer want (we can take these from you instore and you get a reward too)
Take a bag with you shopping
Freecycle anything you don’t need anymore rather than taking to the tip.
Walk or cycle wherever possible
Litter pick in your area
Buy locally sourced products.
Help to create a green space in your community
Make a bug box for your garden
Provide fat balls/seed in the winter for the birds
Head over to the Random acts of kindness website for more inspiration or visit Kindness UK website and pledge your act of kindness.
We’ve got lots of great offers online right now so why not treat someone to something that would make them smile.
Have a suggestion for our next recipe, email them to us:
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